The International Conference on Sustainable Automotive Technologies aims to draw special
attention to the research and practice of meeting the challenges of sustainable mobility. The ICSAT
is the world leading conference on sustainability of automotive technologies and takes place in
Bavaria, Germany with up to 500 participants from 5 continents.
We cordially invite you to attend this important international event.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Jörg Wellnitz
Latest News:
We are pleased to announce that the ICSAT 2013 was a success.
Our annual conference, brought together a unique blend of world-class speakers to share their
insights on sustainability automotive technologies. The Photo Gallery and Presentations are Online now.
Delegates from Germany, UAE, Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Sweden, France, Czech Republic, USA, Malaysia to name a few and of course delegates from all over Australia joined last year's ICSAT Conference to discuss Sustainable Automotive Technologies. It definitely has been a very interesting and great event.
The conference has also been a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and enjoy a bit of the beautiful Victorian sights.
ICSAT 2012 Photo Gallery Check out the photos here!
The International Conference on Sustainable Automotive Technologies aims to draw special attention to the research and practice of meeting the challenges to sustainable mobility.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Wellnitz -
Conference Chair

Conference Place
Theater Ingolstadt
Schlosslände 1
D-85049 Ingolstadt
Contact Us
Organising Committee
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Esplanade 10
D- 85049 Ingolstadt
Phone: +49 841 / 9348 - 221
Fax.: +49 841 / 9348 - 99 369